Environmental Changemakers

In Partnership with our 501(c)3 partner, Immersive Arts Alliance, Environmental Changemakers is a fund supporting a cohort of young women from the Global South to attend the 2024 Energy Innovation Summit (EIS) in San Francisco, Zurich, Paris, and Singapore.

This cohort of young women are comprised of youth from Greening Youth Foundation and are joined by a local youth group at each City-Summit location.

Orientation is provided, creating the greatest opportunity possible for full participation of these attendees.

Astonishing change is underway in Africa, where the population is projected to nearly double to 2.5 billion over the next quarter-century. They will account for one-quarter of humanity, and at least one-third of all young people aged 15 to 24, according to United Nations forecasts.”

— Declan Welsh, NY Times, Oct. 28, 2023

Angelou Ezeilo, Founder of Greening Youth Foundation. Read an interview with Angelou HERE